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  Asked By: Fazeel    Date: Nov 14    Category: Assembly Language    Views: 6184

CS401- Computer Architecture and Assembly Language Programming
Assignment # 2
Fall 2010
Total Marks: 20
Due Date
Your assignment must be uploaded before or on 22th Nov 2010.
Upload Instructions
Please view the document related to assignment submission process provided to you by the Virtual University to upload the assignment.
Rules for Marking
Kindly note that your assignment will NOT be graded if:
? It is submitted after due date
? The file you uploaded does not open
? The file you uploaded is copied from someone else
? It is in the format other than .doc
This assignment has been designed to enable you:
? To understand how we do logical operation like AND OR
? To understand bit masking operation
? To understand how to display value on screen


Question_1: [marks: 10]
Find the 2’s complement of a number using bitwise logical operator.

Question_2: [marks: 10]
Take a random number of word (dw), form and input this to a subroutine “Is Number Power of Two”. Check number is in power of 2 using bitwise logical operators and then display the return result on the screen if the number is even it diplay that number is even if the number is odd then it display the number is odd.

personal email: fazeelahmadit@gmail.com



1 Answer Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Shruti Sharma     Answered On: Nov 20

Hi Fazeel,

You can find many assembly programs at www.syntax-example.com/.../...bly_Language-49.aspx

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