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problrm showModalDialog in jsp

  Asked By: Richard    Date: Oct 07    Category: Java    Views: 1289

When I open a showModalDialog in jsp, all properties related to actionform in my action was null value, for example

in jsp:
in javascript:
void showView()
window.showModalDialog("mAction.do?method=preView&dialogHeight:200px; dialogWidth:800px;dialogLeft:300...");

<html:form action="mAction.do" method="post" ...>

in action:
public ActionForward preView(....)
MyActionForm myForm= (MyActionForm )form;
myForm.get("myproperty") is null !

and I could not read any values from jsp in action.



3 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Benny Torres     Answered On: Oct 07

You need to get the opener window's text value  keep it in a variable and then while forwarding to parent window  . U just append that value like this

Answer #2    Answered By: Ulfah Hashmi     Answered On: Oct 07

Please visit www.coderanch.com/t/420305/Struts/Modal-Dialog .

Hope you will get your problem resolved there...

Answer #3    Answered By: Adaulfo Fischer     Answered On: Oct 07

Thanks a lot, but as you show previous post, I found the solution and sent that immediately (10 minutes), after sending first my post to the j2eelist.

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