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java rmi question

  Asked By: Bakir    Date: Feb 11    Category: Java    Views: 948

ive been trying to create a web application using RMI
for web/DB/app tiers . its the first time i try to use
rmi , and im getting this weird error from the netbeans ide
that i have no idea how to fix. thanks in advance for any help .
what am i doing wrong , and why wont BugsImpl compile ?

error: java.rmi.server.RemoteServer is not a valid remote
implementation: has no remote interfaces.
1 error
Errors compiling BugsImpl.


* RemoteBugs.java

package QAmanager.Server;

import java.rmi.*;
import java.util.Vector;
import QAmanager.Bug;

public interface RemoteBugs extends Remote
Vector getAllBugs() throws RemoteException;
void InsertNewBug(Bug a) throws RemoteException;
Vector getAllBugsByProjectName (int activeflag , String
projectName) throws RemoteException;



* BugsImpl.java

package QAmanager.Server;

import QAmanager.*;
import java.rmi.server.*;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.rmi.*;

public class BugsImpl extends UnicastRemoteObject implements

/** Creates a new instance of BugsImpl */
public BugsImpl() throws RemoteException

public Vector getAllBugs() throws RemoteException
//temporary return
return null;
public void InsertNewBug(Bug a) throws RemoteException
public Vector getAllBugsByProjectName (int activeflag , String
projectName) throws RemoteException
//temporary return
return null;




1 Answer Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Grady Stewart     Answered On: Feb 11

ok i found an answer to this one , seems
i had my rmi  class set to compile  as RMI-IIOP (dont ask
me the differences , im still reading this stuff
on the sun website) . simply going to the class  properties
-> execution -> stub compiler and changing from stub
compiler IIOP to stub compiler fixed this .

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