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j2ee VS weblogic

  Asked By: Ruben    Date: May 05    Category: Java    Views: 1239

can anyone tell what's difference between j2ee and weblogic



1 Answer Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Sheryl Morgan     Answered On: May 05

Weblogic is an Applications Server. It's purpose
is to allow web applications or networked
applications to operate in a consistent environment. It
implements J2EE. J2EE is an architecture which allows
components written in Java to have a common Programming
Interface. This means that one has a framework to begin
building whatever type of application you
want. J2EE consists of the Java SDK (Standard Development
Kit), Java Servlet API, Java JSP API, JDBC, Java Mail,
Java Messaging Sevice, Java Connections Architecture,
Enterprise Java Beans and many other "standardized"
Applications Program Interfaces (APIs). The number of APIs is
growing as new needs or new desired applications
appear. These APIs are developed under the Java Community
Process which is controlled by Sun MicroSystems. Having
Sun control this process is a two edged sword. The
good side is that we all have input into what we want
to see as standard API's and because Sun has the
final word, the new API's come to market and are
adopted faster. The source code is available for ALL to
see and comment on rather than being hidden (as in
some (M)ajor (S)oftware monopolies!). Also, having it
under the control of Sun means the standardization of
it all is rather quick AND it is more consistent
than if a commitee of thousands came up with the
standard. The bad side is that it is ALL under the control of
Sun.... It is not open licensed... and SOMEONE ELSE
controls it. I'm willing to give up some of that
control for a faster time to market and a standardized,
and well thought out interface (most of the
time). Weblogic "serves" up Java Applications developed with
J2EE. However, Weblogic is not ALWAYS up with the most
currently adopted standard of an API. AND Weblogic
sometimes puts proprietary interfaces (to speed up
development and speed up processing...) which make code using
those interfaces not portable to other Web Application
Servers. This is not alltogether a bad thing, but one must
be aware of them. Time to get off my soap

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