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Help in Applet JDBC

  Asked By: Dale    Date: Jan 08    Category: Java    Views: 758

Currently I am doing my school project which need an applet to
connect and retrieve data from the MySQL database. I have created the
applet that can retrieve data which I had specified.
I have a page for user to login with their username and password and
then they will forward to another page which they can do a search and
retrive data which they request and bring them forward to another
page which have the applet and the applet need to get the information
from the previous page (what data they want) and then retrive the
data and display in the applet itself.

Now problem is, how am I going to let the applet to get the
information from the page.

Can anybody help me?



3 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Kanchan Ap     Answered On: Jan 08

Your problem  is to create a program with database
you take a boolean for each page  and page (and its
data) can be visible on the basis of boolean value.
just jump from the one page to the other page
writing code for each page.
i presume you can do the work on database  and
table in html

Answer #2    Answered By: Haya Yoshida     Answered On: Jan 08

there are couple of solutions to your problem.

---then they will forward  to another page  which they can do a search  and

---retrive data  which they request  and bring them forward to another

1) U can merge this page with the applet  page so that when the user
makes some selection on the web page, u can store the data in some
hidden form fields and when he clicks on the SEARCH button u can
activate ur applet which picks up the data from the hidden fields and
processes it as per business logic

2) U can have a server side component which listens to the selections
user has made and then it passes these selections as a param values to
the applet thru html

both solutions do work.
let me know if there is any problem

Answer #3    Answered By: Geneva Morris     Answered On: Jan 08

What I have understood from your message , you get some informations
from user  (e.g. login  and password) and then retrieve  some data  from
database upon that parameters. Now you want the fechted data to be
sent to applet.

there are two solutions.

1) Connect your applet  with database, provide complete interface in
applet, user logins and get his data on the applet screen

2) Fetch data from database  using ASP,JSP etc and send it to applet
in form of parameter using <PARAM > tag.

if you still have any problem  let me help  you out.

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