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use javascript in JSF page

  Asked By: Abelerd    Date: Sep 15    Category: Java    Views: 2399

I have a JSF page that use in it any javascript code but a while loop is in this script that cause an error like this:
"The content of elements must consist of well-formed character data or markup"
but this javascript code worked successfully in jsp or html page.
I use of this tag for put javascript code in page : <webuijsf:script type="text/javascript">
of course with use of <script> tag too happen this error .
if you know why happen this error ?



3 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Mike Stephens     Answered On: Sep 15

You can use your java script code  between this tag   in JSF pages:
<f:verbatim escape="#{true}">

Answer #2    Answered By: Adalric Fischer     Answered On: Sep 15

I use this tag  but again that error  happened .
What should i do?

Answer #3    Answered By: Julia Flores     Answered On: Sep 15

I hope this link help you ;

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