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use Ajax and javaScript in JSF page

  Asked By: Rufus    Date: Jan 08    Category: Java    Views: 992

I have a JSF page that use in it 2 binded dropdown list and 3 binded outputText to second dropdown list and a commandButton
and I use Ajax with this tag
<a4j:support event="onchange" reRender="id1"/>
when change the value of first dropdown list, change the value of binded dropdow list correctly without reload page (with use of Ajax,above tag)
but I want when change the value of second dropdown list, 3 outputText values
changed and dispaly related value from database, and i use similar way that explained
in above, but do'nt work correctly.
and I want when click on commandButton run a javascript function that use
of outputTexts value, but the
java script function dont get this value
and dont run.



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