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farsi support in liferay 4.3.1

  Asked By: Madeleine    Date: Aug 23    Category: Java    Views: 1050

I have noticed that version 4.3.1 of liferay has added support for Farsi language.
Is it work of any one on the list?
if yes would he/she introduce him/her self?



2 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Edith Mcdonald     Answered On: Aug 23

We had sent the Farsi translations and left to right layout to Liferay and a guy called Bryan Cheung a while ago. It should have been in the package for version  4.1.

Answer #2    Answered By: Blas Fischer     Answered On: Aug 23

You have saved a society from that cumbersome css and pure jsp stuff. Thank you very much indeed...

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