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Domain setup - web server help

  Date: Nov 24    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 484

I was wondering if some one out there can help me or point me in the right direction for my current problem. I have a domain name setup on my server, no probs there. But what I want to do is place another entry page to thisdomain by doing the following:

Sample domain: http://www.dailyfreecode.com - currently active and works fine
Domain wanting to setup: http://jquerydemo.dailyfreecode.com - need to know how to setup

I don't even know what this would be called to start looking for the doc's on the net so even if some one would be kind enough to tell me what to look for or know of a direct link I would be very appreciative.



1 Answer Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Nov 24    

Hash: SHA1

Check your web server's documentation for virtual hosts. Of course
you'll have to set up the DNS appropriately as well.

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