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changes after compile

  Asked By: Jada    Date: Jul 11    Category: Asp.net    Views: 745

i noticed that if i made changes to some class and then compile it i cant see
the changes appear on the screen.
it's stuck on the previous version.
this thing only happened to me in c# project and not with VB project.



6 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Kyle Fox     Answered On: Jul 11

Try to rebuild not just build the project.
Are you maybe also using VSS?

Answer #2    Answered By: Leonard Pierce     Answered On: Jul 11

i tried rebuild and it seem to be ok.
no.im not using vss

Answer #3    Answered By: Elisabeth Bell     Answered On: Jul 11

Yes sometimes Build doesn't do the job. I don't know why, but rebuilding makes
it ok. MOstly it happenes when you have more than one project  in your solution
and related projects don't build.

Answer #4    Answered By: Midissia Lopez     Answered On: Jul 11

This is because at compile  time, the compiler sometimes is not able to
calculate all the dependencies and the files that need to be built
correctly. As a result, the linking order is also not right sometimes.

Answer #5    Answered By: Sebastien Anderson     Answered On: Jul 11

i have more than 1 proj in my solu...

Answer #6    Answered By: Hu Chalthoum     Answered On: Jul 11

Thats about it ...

Its the link order....

.... and genearally you'll be referncing the result of one project  within
that of another project.

.... You can set the build order - but i can't seem to achive this ? Has any
one any success on setting build order ???
I tend to rebuild every project individually in the order I choose ( a
matter of reflex now anyway)
Watch out if you use your own toolbox controls aswell, close and reopen
solution space on changes.

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