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unable to compile my servlet

  Asked By: Jesse    Date: Jun 07    Category: Java    Views: 494

i wanna use the javax.servlet package for the creation and execution of servlets
.But when i move to my current working directory(i.e C:\My Servlets) i m unable
to compile my first simple helloworld servlet .The error comes :
"""""""""" package javax.servlet doesnt exist """"""""""'
but i have all the necesary things to compile and run it i.e
1)J2SE 1.4 2)J2EE 1.3.1 3)TomCat 4.1
--> The classpath of both the Java2 SDKs are set to their bin folders.
--> The classpath for tomcat is set to ...common\lib\servlet.jar
--> environment variables of Java_home , J2ee_home are also pointing to their
installation directories ..
--> another environment variable CATALINA_HOME is pointing to the installation
directory of Tomcat 4.1 (as described in the Tomcat ReadMe file)

for me all the above things r much enough to compile my Servlet , but its
not working . Please help me to sort this out .



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