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applet-servlet communication problem

  Asked By: Colleen    Date: Aug 12    Category: Java    Views: 985

I have a project about applet-servlet communication, My applet send
request to my servlet and servlet select or insert datas, then send
response to my applet. But I want to use my applet only in a page more
than one time like:
<applet code="Com_app.class" height="35" name="Com_app" width="150" >
<PARAM name=parameter value=1>
<PARAM name=Session_id value=1 >
<applet code="Com_app.class" height="35" name="Com_app" width="150" >
<PARAM name=parameter value=2>
<PARAM name=Session_id value=1 >
If I tried this, servlets response mixed each other. Are there any
methods to select and seperate servlet response (using applet more
than one time)?



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