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how to read data from servlet into jsp

  Asked By: Jeff    Date: Apr 06    Category: Java    Views: 1517

i am creating an onlineexam software...
so i am using an html page to insert questions in database through
but i having a type of question feild which is dropdown list box an
di want it to populate dynamicly depends upon how may types r in
database so pls sugest me how to do..



2 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Elias Turner     Answered On: Apr 06

Second thing, What i understand, you want to change the question
user to user or as per requirements.
You can update the data  by refreshing the combo box  or list  box
or update only the changed data.
You should not send too much data at a time otherwise it will create
problem in displaying

Answer #2    Answered By: Kifah Malik     Answered On: Apr 06

Tell me about ur program. Do u have ur app on the web? If so, tell me.

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