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UML – Planning the Construction Phase

  Asked By: Phil    Date: Nov 24    Category: Java    Views: 867

I am very new to the OO System Architects using UML.

I am looking for the help regarding the "Planning the Construction
Phase"……..kindly define "ideal Developers Weeks" of efforts per iteration.

This is a part of estimating a project completion time for OOA/D.



3 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Waggoner Fischer     Answered On: Nov 24

It is not clear what your question is. Are you asking
how to estimate man-months or developer-weeks of
effort for the construction  phase of a project  or are
you looking at a definition of the term "ideal
Developers Weeks of efforts per iteration"?

Answer #2    Answered By: Davi Costa     Answered On: Nov 24

I am looking for both...........
1) defination of "ideal
Developers Weeks of efforts per iteration"
2)estimate man-months or developer-weeks of
effort for the construction  phase

Answer #3    Answered By: Sydney Thompson     Answered On: Nov 24

Ideal developer-weeks (IDW) is defined as the product
of the number of developers  and the time  required to
finish a particular task (or use case coding). e.g. if
you estimate that it should take no longer than 2
weeks of effort with 3 developers, then your IDW is 6

The iteration refers to the iteration of development.
RUP's first principle is develop iteratively. i.e. if
you have 10 use cases in a project, identify the max.
risk ones and address thes in the 1st iteration. In
subsequent iterations the other usecases are

As for estimating the IDW (putting the numbers down),
there are a number of metrices available like function
point analysis, TLOC etc. All of these depend somewhat
on prior experiences with time and developer effort
for previous projects.

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