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TechTrax annual writer search

  Asked By: Charlie    Date: Mar 05    Category: MS Office    Views: 728

As TechTrax, my free support ezine, will soon be coming off hiatus and will
reappear with regularly monthly issues in a couple weeks (restarting with
the Aug issue)...it's time again to see if any of you out there are
interested in becoming famous and adding "Published Technical Writer" to
your resume.

Do not fear or feel shy that you're not good enough. If you have EVER
explained anything about a computer to anyone else...no matter how simple it
may seem, you could become a tech writer. All you need is the desire.
There's always someone out there who wants to know what you've already
learned. And as editor, I can help you turn your words into professional

Need ideas, I have tons of them...

* We have terrific PowerPoint gurus...but no one telling users how to get
started with basic PPT presentation. If you know how...you can be a writer.

* If you know how to use Visio, you can be a writer.

* If you're a system admin, you can be a writer.

* We have a Publisher guru, but no one telling users the basics.

* If you like using photo/graphics programs and do your own projects, you
can be a writer.

And those are just a few quick ideas of the top of my head. There are
millions of articles yet to be written. So if you're interested, email me at
dianATmousetrax.com (change AT to @) and I'll send you our writer's FAQ.

Many thousands of people will read what you have to say each month!

If you're not familiar with TechTrax, check it out:



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