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Idea about Search Engine

  Asked By: Don    Date: Feb 02    Category: Java    Views: 716

I have to use a search engine in my software. I am developing an online library. does anybody have any idea about using a particular search engine?
I am working with oracle and struts.



2 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Shirley Allen     Answered On: Feb 02

Have a look at Jakarta Lucene:

Answer #2    Answered By: Myrna Brown     Answered On: Feb 02

You can use Google API for Java...

You need to download the Google kit from
http://www.google.com/apis/download.html. The free
downloadable kit contains:

+A complete API reference describing the semantics of
method calls and fields
+A Google Web API WSDL file
+A Java library, example program, and Javadoc

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