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where to start EJB(any book or website)(query)

  Asked By: Geeske    Date: Nov 23    Category: Java    Views: 725

i just completed core java(complete ref) and java servlets
(o'reially). i request U to sugest me where to start j2ee.presently
iam reading j2ee tutorial in sun website.and i even have weblogic
tutorial.please sugest me where to start from.



2 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Steve Boyd     Answered On: Nov 23

For EJB, first u finish out with RMI-IIOP & JNDI. Unless n untill u
know these , u can't hit EJB...most important...
u've already started with J2EE...lot's of material available on
net...as u've finised servlets n jsp's, it's good move to EJB's but prior hv a
look thro' RMI-IIOP n JNDI...apart frm this, I would like to suggest u start
with XML's if ur not yet started....
n also hv a look thro' over design patterns while studying these...hope
this will help...

Answer #2    Answered By: Raul Clark     Answered On: Nov 23

You can start  with Orielly EJB book  itself or can also go for
ED Roman's Masterig EJB.
A certification will also add value to your studies.

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