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Resize Partition

  Date: Feb 19    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 453

I'm running XP in Virtualbox and am getting errors saying I don't have
enough space when installing some programs. Can I fix this by resizing
the partition? Will that solve the problem?

I have the Gparted.iso burned to a CD.



2 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Feb 19    

I am not sure the nature of the problem as it could be one of two things
from the way that you describe it. It could be the image size in VB (most
likely) if the message is a Windows one.* That would mean the image is a
fixed size and is not large enough. If it is an Ubuntu message then it is
possible that you opted for a dynamic image size and it is taking up too
much space in your home directory.*

If it is the former then try this:

If it is the latter then use the Live CD and Partition Editor or Parted
Magic to shrink another partition and enlarge home or root depending how
many Linux partitions you are using. See:

Answer #2    Answered On: Feb 19    

Try to use "vboxmanage modifyhd" in a shell,

First find the UUID of your disk: vboxmanage list hdds

Check disk info: vboxmanage showhdinfo UUID

then resize it: vboxmanage modifyhd UUID --resize <megabytes>

Where megabytes is the new size of your disk.

Second way to do it : create a new disk an copy content, then switch the disks
in you vm.

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