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Removing partitions

  Date: Nov 26    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 373

I have a 160gb SATA hard drive from a netbook that went south. It has both WIN
XP and Ubuntu partitions on it.

I have tried to use GPARTED to delete all the partitions and setup an ext4, I
believe that is the correct spelling, partition for use by Ubuntu. GPARTED
complains for some reason or the other that it can't do this or can't do that. I
have unmounted it with no avail. It says partitions with numbers greater the
partition 5, no can do.

I don't want excuses, just wipe out all the partitions and create on Ubuntu ext4

How is the best way to do this?



3 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Nov 26    

> I don't want excuses, just wipe out all the partitions and create on
> Ubuntu ext4 partition.
are you running your GParted from a live ISO disk?
There will other advice coming but my suggestion is to reformat
the whole disk with partitions set up for Boot, Home & Swap and
treat it as a new Ubuntu installation.

Answer #2    Answered On: Nov 26    

You must unmount or turn off the partitions on the hard drive. Swaps
are turned on or off, and other partitions are mounted. You will notice
a key in the second column of each row. Mouse over these keys and right
click to turn off or unmount them. After this you will not have any
problems deleting them.

Answer #3    Answered On: Nov 26    

Have you tryed Puppy. It can be loaded in ram without useing the HD. You can
not delete an HD if you are useing it. I have used Puppy's GPARTED to delete
more than 5 partitions before. Just delete them one at an time.

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