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Regarding JSTL

  Asked By: Lucina    Date: Jun 05    Category: Java    Views: 435

I am currently working with JSTL and EL. I need to know how to pass the
session variable that is been retrieved in a JSP
page..and that variable should be passed into the JSTL tag...

The following is the sample code

String[] headerInfo=(String[])session.getAttribute("header");

java.util.ArrayList content=(ArrayList)session.getAttribute("content");


<c:forEach var="head" items="${headerInfo}">

<c:out value="${head}"/>



Now in that.....the headerInfo is the varaible that im retriving from the

Now i have to run into that and need to print what is there in...like

For example...we use to do like this in JSP

for(int i=0;i<headerInfo.length;i++){





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