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Problem with Downloading from Sun web site

  Asked By: Aditi    Date: Sep 24    Category: Java    Views: 788

I want to download sun download manager 2.0 from sun's web site because what ever I want to download I don't seem to be able to do without it.but as I find it and want to download it the only option I have is to download it with SDM(sun download manager ) which is funny because that's what I want to download to be able to to other download.so I'm kind of in a middle of the in a loop.Any comments on what I must to is really appreciated by me.



5 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Isabella Campbell     Answered On: Sep 24

I hope my homepage not to be filtered by doing this :)


Answer #2    Answered By: Logan Bouchard     Answered On: Sep 24

Sun Microsystem has blocked Iran's IPs so you can not download  anything
from sun  sites such as java.sun.com and netBeans.org. The only way is to
use a proxy or buying CDs.

Answer #3    Answered By: Aidyn Smith     Answered On: Sep 24

All IP addresses directing to Iran region are filtered by Sun. Use a VPN service.

Answer #4    Answered By: Abbad Akhtar     Answered On: Sep 24

Actually you can't download  anything from Sun's website because of the sanctions that US imposed over Iran and some other countries. you have to find  your needed files from elsewhere.

Answer #5    Answered By: Cais Nguyen     Answered On: Sep 24

Install Ghost Surf 2005 and crack it with this code : ST4000 and this email address : name@.... also you can use 15 days trial version of this software. then set your browser proxy address to : and port to 7212
and download  any thing you need from sun  and other sites.
after you install ghost surf , you should run proxy.exe from istallation rood directory.
and right click the icon in system tray and configure policy in policy center of ghost surf.
if you have problem  with ghost surf email me, I help you

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