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Looking for Linux Command line tutorial site

  Date: Dec 03    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 553

Can I get some suggestions for a good Linux tutorial site? Not for the GUI side,
but the command line level. Maybe with some guidance to work my way from
beginner to higher.

I've been using Linux for 4 years and have only pick up 3 or 4 commands in this
time. It's time to learn more.



3 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Dec 03    

Try fullcircle magazine starting at issue 14 for a tutorial you can
download all that you want there and they are free.

Answer #2    Answered On: Dec 03    

A list of commands and help can be found here:

Use the man pages to find how to use various commands. To use the man pages
type man <commandname> in either a web browser or terminal. This is handy
once you know the command but still have trouble with syntax.

Answer #3    Answered On: Dec 03    

gnu.org has quite a bit of documentation, including a list of shell commands.
They all have documentation which you can access from the man command:
man ls
for example, to see the options for the ls command.

To exit from man, press "q" for quit. I found it very frustrating that ESC, "E"
and "X" do nothing.

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