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JSF Resource bundle Problem

  Asked By: Ibthaj    Date: Feb 09    Category: Java    Views: 1190

We are using below Ant file to convert our native messages to unicode ones. Use it to produce a unicode-based resource bundle corresponding to your primary bundle. For detail info about this task see this page: ant.apache.org/.../native2ascii.html


<project name="converter" basedir="." default="def">

<target name="def">

<native2ascii encoding="UTF-8" ext="_unicode.properties" dest=".">

<filename name="Application_fa.properties"/>



Running this ant, will produces a unicode file with the name of the original one (Application_fa.properties) augmented with _unicode (Application_fa_unicode.properties).

Then in your JSF pages use f:loadBundle tag like below:
<f:loadBundle basename="Application_fa_unicode" var="bundle" />

Now, you can access your messages in other tag using EL:
<h:outputLabel value="#{bundle['message1']}"/>

By following these steps, your problem will be solved.



1 Answer Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Samuel Costa     Answered On: Feb 09

I hve this problem, too!
plz let me know how to use message bundle  in jsf  without any problem  .

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