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JDBC connect code

  Asked By: Annie    Date: Mar 10    Category: Java    Views: 827

I want to connect to the MySQL and Oracle 8 personal via net work but i dont
have the code for that I know that if I want to connect to any DB use this

try {
catch (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException e)
System.err.print("ClassNotFoundException: ");


conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url,userid,userpassword);

then I use conn for do the other operation but what I should write in
MyDriver.ClassName ???? and from where I can get it ??



1 Answer Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Sebastien Anderson     Answered On: Mar 10

You need to provide the fully-qualified class  name for the driver you want to
use. For example, there is a good driver
for mysql  at http://mmmysql.sourceforge.net/ . If you download that driver then
you would have to replace
"myDriver.ClassName" with "org.gjt.mm.mysql.Driver". I don't know what the
driver for Oracle is called though...check
the documentation for Oracle.

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