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Java - Firefox - some websites

  Date: Dec 06    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 607

I'm having trouble troubleshooting a probable Java problem.
The main site with the problem is:

I get part of the page, but the menus on the left side do not show up and
neither do the "iPod Shuffle" and "Mortgage Rates" ads at the bottom.

I have 4 Linux machines here, all work fine on this site except this one. All
are running Ubuntu 9.04. I've looked at all the applications and plugins
installed. (using Applications / Add/Remove and also Synaptic Package Manager)
All appear to be the same. (Now I didn't search through all the applications,
just searched on Flash and Java)
The machine that's not working with this is a new install, just trying to get
all the bugs worked out for the wife to be happy.

I've looked at all the plugins in Firefox, all are the same. Again, it works on
3 other Linux machines here. Hmmm....

The only difference in the installs is that the non-working machine has Ubuntu
installed inside Windows since I use an ipod Touch and can't get iTunes to play
nice in Linux/Wine. Oh, the web-site works fine when using Firefox in Windows on
this machine.

I've looked at the source code for the web page and it seems that this is
probably a Java issue, although I'm pretty green when it comes to HTML.

Ok, so what am I missing?



19 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Dec 06    

It in Synaptic for install.............

Answer #2    Answered On: Dec 06    

What do you mean? What's in Synaptic?

Answer #3    Answered On: Dec 06    

Synaptic is a graphical utility for installing software on Ubuntu. There are
over 25,000 pieces of software from tiny support libraries (similar to
.dll's) to large, complex, excellent programmes including complete Office
suites. They are all free and tested to work with Ubuntu.

Answer #4    Answered On: Dec 06    

its under system->administration->synaptic package manager

Answer #5    Answered On: Dec 06    

Yes and if people read more messages that just the one about them it was
in one of my other replies on that day. if
you open it and put Java in its search box it will show you want it can
install for you.

Answer #6    Answered On: Dec 06    

Synaptic is a graphical..................

Answer #7    Answered On: Dec 06    

Yup, I know what Synoptic is, just don't know
what Ian is saying. All he said was:

"It in Synaptic for install."

What's in Synoptic? I have sun java installed.

Answer #8    Answered On: Dec 06    

This is confusing.

Synaptic (note spelling) is the package manager for Debian based systems. It
handles packages which are maintained in the repositories for the
distribution. It has a graphical interface but does the same work as typing
commands such as sudo apt-get install package-name from the terminal.

To confuse matters even more there is more than one package manager for
Ubuntu (Adept and Packagekit to name but two). They all work basically the
same way, though.

The easiest way to get Java to work is to install the restricted-extras for
your distro. Each desktop has its own, ubuntu-restricted-extras or
kubuntu-restricted-extras, etc. This gives you Java, flash, mp3, MS core
fonts, DVD playing capabilities etc. See:

In Synaptic just Search (not quick search!) for restricted-extras. Right
click on the correct one and choose Mark for Installation and click Apply.
You should have Java and flash and most things working for the web and
multimedia. However, it may not work in all browsers, Chromium for example.

Answer #9    Answered On: Dec 06    

Do you run NoScript with Firefox? Most web site anomalies occur due to
JavaScript being mangled (not implemented properly).

Get NoScript and install it on all of your Ubuntu machines and your Windows
machines where you use Firefox. With NoScript you can temporarily allow some
features of a website to be applied on a step by step basis as you allow more
and more one at a time or all at a time - temporarily.

If you run through the detailed configuration of all of your Firefox Add-on
configurations - are there any differences in the details?

If there is only ever one or two folks on your home computers, when you install
Java, i.e. Java JRE is all you need to browse with, not the JDK developers kit.
If there is more than one person with an account on any one of your machines,
the usual place to install Java is in /usr/share/java (See Sun's Java
Installation Instructions).

If there is only ever one person on a machine, then all you have to do is
install Java in the /home/<user account> home directory. For example, I have
Java installed in my home directory with the directory, jre1.6.0_15. From
Firefox there is a symbolic link in the directory, ~/.mozilla/plugins:
lrwxrwxrwx 1 ubuntu ubuntu 61 2009-08-24 14:03 libjavaplugin_oji.so ->

So, check the details of all of your Firefox Add-ons first - where the web page
works, and where it does not. If there are no differences, then check how/where
Java is installed on your machines.

Always follow the Installation Instructions from Sun after you download Java
(JRE) and do not deviate or forget any of the steps.

You don't necessarily need to use Synaptic Package Manager to install Java JRE.

Answer #10    Answered On: Dec 06    

There is only one account on all 4 machines, just
the wife and I live here and I see no need for
separate accounts (unless she starts trying to
install stuff on her own, unlikely)

As far as I can see, all Java is installed exactly
the same on all machines. I have sun-java6-bin,
sun-java6-jre, sun-java6-plugin, java-common,
sun-java6-fonts and on them (I think I don't
need the -bin, right?)

The Firefox options, add-ons, and plugins are the same
on all machines. I'm not running any java blockers
and java plugin 1.6.0_14 is on all of them.

The only difference on the machine that has problems
is that Ubuntu is installed "inside" Windows, where
it's a clean Ubuntu only install on the other machines.
Can't see how that could affect it.

Java does work, the wife uses Facebook a lot and the
farm games use some pretty intense java, they work
fine. Can you tell what is is about the menu on that
web site that is failing? This has me baffled.

Answer #11    Answered On: Dec 06    

You should update to jre1.6.0_15 whereas you state you have jre1.6.0_14

Answer #12    Answered On: Dec 06    

somehow no one quite got what I was asking.
Let me try to clarify:

I'm having trouble troubleshooting a probable Java problem.
The main site with the problem is:


I get part of the page, but the menus on the left side
do not show up and neither do the "iPod Shuffle" and
"Mortgage Rates" ads at the bottom.

I have 4 Linux machines here, all computers work fine
on this web site except this one. All are running
Ubuntu 9.04. I've looked at all the applications
and plugins installed. (using Applications /
"Add/Remove" and also "Synaptic Package Manager")
All appear to be the same. (Now I didn't search
through all the applications, just searched on "Flash"
and "Java")The machine that's not working with this
is a new install, just trying to get all the bugs
worked out for the wife to be happy.

Sun Java and Flash are installed and work fine on the
other 3 computers in the house.

I've looked at all the plugins in Firefox, all are
the same. Again, it works on all 3 other Linux machines
here. Hmmm....

The only difference in the installs is that the
non-working machine has Ubuntu installed "Inside
Windows" since I use an ipod Touch and can't get
iTunes to play nice in Linux/Wine. Oh, the web-site
works fine when using Firefox in Windows on
this machine.

I've looked at the source code for the web page
and it seems that this is probably a Java issue,
although I'm pretty green when it comes to HTML.

To repeat (no insult intended):

1. I have JAVA installed, same on all 4 computers.
2. I have Flash installed, same on all 4 computers.
3. I have Firefox plugins installed, again same on all 4.
4 This web site (and others I assume) have a
problem only on this one computer. It's rendered
fine on the other 3 computers, all running Ubuntu 9.04,
Firefox, etc...

Ok, so what am I missing?

Answer #13    Answered On: Dec 06    

No ad-blocker or other such critter installed?

Answer #14    Answered On: Dec 06    

Tried deleting and re-installing Java. No change.
Really strange problem. Maybe it's time to submit
a bug report. It's got to be related to the
"Inside Windows" install I'm using. Maybe
Microsoft did it...yea, I'll blame them. They're
trying to discourage people from not using their
bloated OS.

If iTunes would work on Linux I'd do a clean
Linux-only install and be done with it. Don't
suppose that will happen anytime soon. I know
people have gotten iTunes working with other
iPods, but not the I-Touch or iPhone.

Answer #15    Answered On: Dec 06    

It work fine on my. I installed the java needed via the Synaptic
program. Best go there and makle sure you installed.

Answer #16    Answered On: Dec 06    

Well, what would you expect Ian? I've told
you over and over that I have installed Java
with Synaptic, and you keep coming back trying
to explain to me how to do it. You apparently
refuse to actually read or understand my post
and after a while it get's pretty annoying.
What part of "I have installed Java" don't
you understand?

Answer #17    Answered On: Dec 06    

Because you did not signal you had on my computer, so glad you have
and perhaps you annoy me as well but I am polite.

Answer #18    Answered On: Dec 06    

Sorry if I'm not "polite", but once again, I have no
idea what you just said. What does "because you did
not signal you had on my computer" mean? Let's just
forget about it. Clearly you don't speak any kind of
English that I understand and there is just no way
for us to communicate.

Answer #19    Answered On: Dec 06    

Most people who help would hope, those that are receiving the help,
would come back and say it worked or not as the case maybe.

I did not see your acknowledgement that your problem was solved so
continued to send help.

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