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jar files of jav

  Asked By: Cory    Date: Jul 03    Category: Java    Views: 663

We know ,in java ,there are jar files that include classes needed. But where
are the jar files of java itself?
For example,I can't find the java.lang.Class. I can't find where is the folder
which contains the Class.java.
Can u help me?



3 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Ray Lawrence     Answered On: Jul 03

look for tools.jar...............

Answer #2    Answered By: Chad Bradley     Answered On: Jul 03

these jar  files are in the java  directory when u install the SDK!

Answer #3    Answered By: Laurel Collins     Answered On: Jul 03

I think the source (.java) files  is in sc.jar and the .class files
are in rt.jat, but just look tyhrough all the jar  files in your sdk

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