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  Asked By: Magenta    Date: Aug 05    Category: Java    Views: 728

I'd like to write a "Hello World" for mobile phone, but i don't know
how to do it, where to start from. Which phone should i use. And how
to transver Hello.class into the phone. Well with J2SE or J2EE "Hello
World" is easy, but with j2ME i don't even now where to start from.



5 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Russell Burns     Answered On: Aug 05

I'm developing a application for mobile  phones, I need "double" variable but
it's not exists int Midapi 1.0.
Please show me a way.

Answer #2    Answered By: Louis Mason     Answered On: Aug 05

There is no double variable in midp1 or even midp2.

But if u need to do this i think you should deal with the number as string and
use the substring fuction and calculate your number and then you conact it

Answer #3    Answered By: Hehet Chalthoum     Answered On: Aug 05

We used two integer values the first one was the int value the second
was the floating point value. My understanding from the hotspot team is
that two ints is about as much processor time as using doubles anyway.

Answer #4    Answered By: Sean Grant     Answered On: Aug 05

In EVENT, if i saved an alarm is it automatically give alarm ? or i
have extends timer task ?... and if i extends timertask ..then after
how many time of interval it will check the time ?...actually i am
thinking that if i have hunred of event in my mobile  that means hunred
of thread what will ahppend then? isnt all thread consume most of the
CPU time

Answer #5    Answered By: Huette Miller     Answered On: Aug 05

I meant to reply earlier
but didn't. JDK 1.5 doesn't work very well with the
wireless toolkit 2.2. It works flawlessly with j2sdk
1.4.x (one of the later releases, I forget which).
Also, netbeans by itself doesn't include the right
stuff to develop j2me  programs. you need the netbeans
mobility pack. Try it, I found it to be very useful.

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