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got no sound with video

  Date: Nov 26    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 266

I got Kubuntu 10.04-
and with any kind of video-no sound.
My mp3's work just fine.Amarok plays then well.
But I cannot play mp3's in vlc.
no sound in utube,or my other video files (again,vlc)
I got the restricted extras installed.
I got no problems with sound in Ubuntu,ether.
Any help would be appreciated.
would hate to give it up and go back to gnome,
alas,this would be a deal-breaker.



2 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Nov 26    

I would look at KMix and check that all of your channels are available,
particularly PCM. For some reason, the *buntus like to ship with some things
muted or sliders slid way down.

Try this: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/DebuggingSoundProblems

Answer #2    Answered On: Nov 26    

it worked :).......................

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