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Dynamic tree with richfaces and ajax tech

  Asked By: Aysel    Date: Mar 28    Category: Java    Views: 3919

I'm a beginner in richfaces and I need some help.
I wanna make a tree which its TreeNode s (leaves) are added incrementaly by clicking on them and connecting database with ajax technology.
I used this code but I didn't get any reply
<rich:tree style="width:300px" value="#{yegan.tree}" binding="#{yegan.htmlTree}" var="item" >
<rich:treeNode changeExpandListener="#{yegan.changed}">
<h:outputText value="#{item.name}"/>
I would be very thankful to you if you help me.



8 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Emily Brown     Answered On: Mar 28

You could see
to find out what you do!

Answer #2    Answered By: Jarrod Williams     Answered On: Mar 28

To some extent ,i do know that we can not use a tree  the component in ICEfaces and Woodstock to create a right to left tree nodes(like the using Farsi(Persian) text in tree nodes,or another right to left language, in these cases the node icon must be in right).Does it true for tree component of richfaces  ?
I have seen the http://livedemo. exadel.com/ richfaces- demo/richfaces/ tree.jsf ,but there, i did not find anything.

Is there another framework that have a tree component the same as a tree in Richface ,supports client swichtype and of course supports right to left languages?

Answer #3    Answered By: Evelyn Hughes     Answered On: Mar 28

Apache MyFaces has some components like Tomahawk that it is good to use in
Designing and Integrate with JSF.


Answer #4    Answered By: Douglas Sullivan     Answered On: Mar 28

Oracle ADF Rich Client JSF components supports Arabic (and right to left)

Answer #5    Answered By: Cambria Lopez     Answered On: Mar 28

I looked at the page www.oracle.com/.../af_tree.html
,in the attribute list i did not find the attribute to set it for right to left(Arabic) tree.
I have a idea from Richfaces ,in the Rich Drop DOwn Menu componenet that support Arabic(Right to Left) has attribute likes jointpont="tl" ,and setting style ="float:right" in panelgrid that contains Drop Down Menu,so we have the Menu that is in right side of page and opens from right to left.

I also download the demo(adf-richclient-demo.war) and istall it ,but i can not find anything useful.

Please go to http://mixiran.com/ ,in the 1/3 of page there is a Arabic component tree,i want something like that.
Does ADF support that or any other framework does?

Have u tested tree  component for Arabic in ADF?
If yes,so is it possible to say, which attributes u set?

Answer #6    Answered By: Topaz Ramirez     Answered On: Mar 28

in ADF you change the right to left through skins and styles that are very similar to HTML CSS.
lots of JSF trees can provide similar look and RTL direction, like what you want including tomahawk, trinidad and ADF RC

Answer #7    Answered By: Angie Bennett     Answered On: Mar 28

Because i am a novice in ADF and JSF and i do not exactly how to that,is it possible give me source on web or if u can send me the step by step work that i must do.
I would be appreciate for your help.

Answer #8    Answered By: Ray Lawrence     Answered On: Mar 28

take a look at this URL:
if you need more help  I can introduce you some professional programmers than can develop a sample and example for you.

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