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apt-get update w/ Wireless: does not stop updating

  Date: Jan 03    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 538

When I want to update before upgrading, the
apt-get update command keeps on going. It appears that it never
stops... This happens when I do it manually, or when the update
manager is doing it automatically. Below I am showing you the output
of the update after waiting more or less 1 minute. At the bottom you
can see my sources.list.

The weird thing is, that this only happens when I try to update
through WLAN. When I connect my laptop to the wired LAN, everything
goes fine. The other weird thing is, that through WLAN I *am* able to
perform apt-get upgrade and I am able to install things with apt-get

Here are the specs:
Inspiron 1501
ndiswrapper-1.49 (bcmwl5.inf)

I first thought it might have something to do with the firewall/proxy
(P3 w/ IPCOP 1.4.13.). But my desktop and the other wired-connected
computers all work fine behind it. My desktop has Xubuntu Gutsy and my
server uses Debian. Both work fine when executing apt-get update.
Also, my laptop encounters the same problem when I am connected to the
WLAN of the university (which does not have IPCOP...).

I have tried to change my sources.list to another country (changing nl
into be), but that didn't solve the problem. I don't know whether this
is an apt problem, or a WLAN problem, or ... So I hope some of you
know how to help me

What I now have to do is, every time the update manager shows its
orange star in the system tray, I have to kill apt-get update, connect
my laptop to a UTP cable, perform apt-get update. Than, if I want, I
can go back to WLAN and perform apt-get upgrade ...



3 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Jan 03    

Why do you not use Synpatic from the System/Administration menu. It so
muck easier.

Answer #2    Answered On: Jan 03    

Not that i have much experience but experimenting over the last few
months i found a glitch in synaptic... can't remember now where.
Aptitude is a much better bet than either apt-get or synaptic -
providing for clean install and removal. It provides more info for
dependencies... but it's text style takes some getting used to - it's
all i use now.

Answer #3    Answered On: Jan 03    

OK but Synpatic never faulters with me. Its what you get used to I guess
but either way its better than running a command line download.

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