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SMS web services required

  Asked By: Kerri    Date: Feb 21    Category: Java    Views: 1266

I need some kind of web service for my site, but I cannot afford companies like Magfa or Rahyab. The reason is the high number of sms per month they want me to guarantee. Plz help me if U know another way like some companies. Waiting for your replies, thanks before.



6 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Dan Romero     Answered On: Feb 21

www.navand.ir provides such services.
You should contact them for more detail.

Answer #2    Answered By: Clint Garcia     Answered On: Feb 21

Atieh Dade Pardaz is another Sms provider. And here is the company's website: http://www.adpdigital.com/

Answer #3    Answered By: Wilfred Young     Answered On: Feb 21

Have you tried "Aatiye Daade Pardaaz"?
I know some friends over there, thus if you like I will be able to find their contact info.

Answer #4    Answered By: William Bouchard     Answered On: Feb 21

About ADP, I should say that the company s great in this field but just like Rahyab and Magfa, they want me to guarantee a 10000 or such sms  per month  in the contract. The exact thing I need is some small packae of sms(for example 500 or 1000 in a month) to service  my cumtomers in my small e-business. But thank U 2 for information about ADP.
And about Navand!
I had not heard about the company before Ali introduced them to me. I browsed the web  site and saw that. I couldn't find any contact info so I mailed them on info@...
The reply came with contact details and I called them this morning.
The result was great. They're the exact thing I was waiting for all these months!!! They will send me the contract and other things needed. The most important thing for me was the several sms service packages they have prepared. I could choose the one I wanted from some 11 packages will several sms numbers and expiration times. So thanks again Ali for the info.
I believe that they will go on.

Answer #5    Answered By: Jean Bell     Answered On: Feb 21

Could you please give me their contact information?

Answer #6    Answered By: Boris Nastevski     Answered On: Nov 19

You can use CS Networks Web2SMS service. You can also send Bulk SMS messages.
It is really cheap and easy to use.

I am using it.

They will ask you about the amount of messages you are sending on monthly basis.
Ask them at: support@cs-networks.net


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