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  Asked By: Lorenzo    Date: Jan 17    Category: Java    Views: 513

I will give you the exact details below.

I have folder called mvc in the /defaultwebapp ( /defaultwebapp/mvc) inside mvc folder i have one jsp page its name is Eshop.jsp in the form tag i have given action="/quickShoppingServlet".( Note I have give the mapping name of the servlet my original name of the servlet is ShoppingServlet)

I have servlet in /defaultwebapp/classes/ShoppingServlet. The ShoppingServlet imports a class name cd which is in the folder name called /defaultwebapp/classes/shopping/cd/

I have changed my web.xml



I have give the quickShoppingServlet in the form tag.

Can now figure out the problem. I am still couldnt access the servlet from the jsp. Everytime i chagned in the web.xml i restarted weblogic default server (is it required to restart the server everytime? i am using trail version weblogic6.1)



2 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Hugo Williams     Answered On: Jan 17

Did u set the classpath for the jdk and the path where you placed the servlet.


Try this option and also try to edit the weblogic.properties file.

Find for


and replace it by


Answer #2    Answered By: Amelia Schmidt     Answered On: Jan 17

Very simple, just define a packaging system for your servlet  classes. Some of application servers don't like a servlet without packaging.

<display-name>HTML Client Front Controller Servlet</display-name>
<description>no description</description>
<!-- here is the point: it cannot be just a MainSerlvet without any package -->

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