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Security. Alternate main menu's or forms

  Asked By: Manju    Date: Sep 06    Category: MS Office    Views: 567

I have a problem with help file in all Office applications (Access,
Word, Excel etc). Two forms open when I press F1 to invoke help
system in any Office application instead of one (parent and docked
child).The first form is completely blank (usually this is the form
that has the menubar and toolbar that contains contents and index
buttons etc) and second window opens separately (undocked) on top of
the first window and has details that are usually contained in the
child window (I am sending screen dump to Files section for you to
check if you want to). For example, this is what I get in Word on the
second form.

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I tried removing help component using Add/Remove Program and then
adding it back later but that didn't work. I also tried restoring the
system to time when help system worked but that didn't fix the
problem either. I do not want to completely repair or uninstall
Microsoft Office if I can help it because I have too many add-ins
that I would have to reinstall and setup as well.

Does anyone know how to fix the problem, I would appreciate any help.



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