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How to programm RMI

  Asked By: Meenachi    Date: Jun 02    Category: Java    Views: 729

I have to develop a chat/server application by applying RMI and i want to use
JBuilder but i am facing difficutly in executing the project like i first have
to exectute server then of course clients but for executing clients i have to
pass parameters for client name/nick and server URL and i am not able to do so
as i am not familiar with Jbuilder's enviroment.



3 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Aaleyah Khan     Answered On: Jun 02

try to execute rmi  commands from jdk..
and run the main file from jbuilder

Answer #2    Answered By: Marta Kim     Answered On: Jun 02

I know how to do so, but i don't remember the exact
path of such an option. I'll check later and mail u
again. So wait for my next email.

One more thing you and I are doing almost the same
final project. I am also making a messaging software
in my native language.

Answer #3    Answered By: Shaun Thomas     Answered On: Jun 02

Then how much i have to wait as it is a part of a project  i have to make
something like rich multimedia type thing in whcih both vedio conferencing,
whiteboard and chatting is involved. and what is ur?

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