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Problem in Date input from JSP page

  Asked By: Kuhaylah    Date: Jul 28    Category: Java    Views: 1750

I'm trying to get a Date input from a jsp page and store it in the
database for my struts application.

And this is the error i'm getting :
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: argument type mismatch

the tag that i have is used :
<html:text property="invoiceDate" styleId="textdate" readonly="true"
size="28" value="${sellingInvoice.invoiceDate}"/>

And here is my formbean

public class SellingInvoiceForm extends ActionForm {

private String invoiceDate;
public String getInvoiceDate() {

public void setInvoiceDate(String invoiceDate) {

and the DTO
public class SellingInvoice {

private Date invoiceDate;
public Date getInvoiceDate() {

public void setInvoiceDate(Date invoiceDate) {

IS both the DTO and the bean are declared correctly? and if so, what
code should i write in the getters and setters for both of them so
that my code can goes fine without this error?



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