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Printing VBA Code

  Asked By: Madhat    Date: Nov 17    Category: MS Office    Views: 830

I was just asked by a fellow developer if I knew of a way to print out
all my VBA code in one fell swoop rather than going into each object and
printing that section and continuing on through all the user forms and
other places that code hides, and it occurred to me that you all might
want to know about the tool that I use to do that. It is called
VBACodePrint and can be purchased for $59.00 from
www.starprint2000.com/vbaprint_features.html. Once installed it
shows up as a menu item in the VBE and it allows you to print the
Declarations, the Selection, the Current Procedure, the Current
Component, the Current Project or All Projects.

I have found it pretty invaluable for documenting my code. In fact I
run the Current Project Print before I release my project from the
development stage and move it into production.

When I print to PDF, it helps me create a code library of all the
procedures I use - because as we all know, there is no sense in
reinventing the code if it is already done for you.



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