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object arrays

  Asked By: Joel    Date: Oct 18    Category: Java    Views: 565

I'm getting a bunch of errors like this:

$ javac LotDatabase.java
LotDatabase.java:76: cannot resolve symbol
symbol : constructor ParkingSpace (int,int,int,int,boolean)
location: class ParkingSpace
spaces [j] = new ParkingSpace(i, j, 0, GENERAL, true);

Code is this:
ParkingSpace[] [] spaces = new ParkingSpace[1] [12];
spaces [j] = new ParkingSpace(i, j, 0, GENERAL, true);

Here's the constructor in the ParkingSpace class:
public ParkingSpace(int lotNo, int spaceNo, int floorNo, int spaceType, Boolean
parkingLotNumber = lotNo;
spaceNumber = spaceNo;
floorNumber = floorNo;
type = spaceType;
spaceAvailable = available;



5 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Horia Ahmed     Answered On: Oct 18

How about removing the access modifier "public" from the front
of ParkingSpace constructor  and try to recompile.

Answer #2    Answered By: Sophie Williamson     Answered On: Oct 18

Make the b in boolean lowercase. Boolean (B) is an object, and
boolean (b) is a boolean. Make the heading read
public ParkingSpace(int lotNo, int  spaceNo, int floorNo, int
spaceType, boolean available)

Answer #3    Answered By: Hattie Howard     Answered On: Oct 18

please send me the answer to my question. "What is the difference between
<jsp:forward> and jsp:sendRedirect() method.?" Please give answer to this
question asap.

Answer #4    Answered By: Adanalie Garcia     Answered On: Oct 18
Answer #5    Answered By: Ginger Snyder     Answered On: Oct 18

Jsp:forward will execute on client side. sendredirect will execute on
Server side

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