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next open cell in column

  Asked By: Aditi    Date: Jan 06    Category: MS Office    Views: 969

This may be an elementary question BUT.. I enter 4 new amounts daily
and they overwrite into a Certificate that I print. I would however
like the program to remember each individual entry on a summary
sheet. I'm not getting the A65536 formula to work. When someone
gives you a formula i.e. Sub CopyThem() NextRow = Worksheets
("Sheet2").Range("A65536").end(xlup).Row +1 etc. WHAT WORDS
Actually go into the formula and what words are substituted i.e. Is
Sub CopyThem() and/or NextRow = part of the formula????

Is there an excel textbook worth purchasing??? WHere does one go to
become a master of excel???? Does a degree exist? how many years and
what is the best college????



1 Answer Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Rhys Evans     Answered On: Jan 06

There are many excel  courses. Although they expand your knowledge they will
not make you an Excel expert. What does that is working with Excel and doing
a wide variety of different things with it. AFAIK there is no degree or even
diploma level in Excel but I could be wrong.

I cannot recommend any particular course. You would need to be clear about
what you wanted out of it and assess what it was presenting against your

The best way of learning IMO is following discussion groups like this,
understanding the answers and trying to answer the questions yourself. Also
use Excel a lot and try to expand what you are doing with it.

And do read the techtrax articles. They are an excellent source of

Now the main question

The stuff you are talking about such as

Sub CopyThem()
NextRow = Worksheets ("Sheet2").Range("A65536").end(xlup).Row +1

Is a macro or VBA sub. It is not a formula  that goes in a cell. You open  the
VB Editor and put the sub into a module (frequently the module for the sheet
you are using or the "this workbook" module. Then you call the Macro either
from the menu Tools/Macros/Macros or from an event or button which you put on
the sheet.

It might help you to get a basic book about VBA to start you off with this. I
would also suggest you look at
=33. This is a series of articles on beginning Excel VBA.

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