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Macro Macros and Increasing VBA Password Security Questions

  Asked By: Karina    Date: Dec 20    Category: MS Office    Views: 1356

Two questions:

Is there any way to use VBA to update the modules in each file of
folder? I would like to place the replace the same module in each
file. I am planning on distributing these files, so I don't want to
place the macros in a global template.

Does anyone know of a program I can buy or another way of increasing
the power of the password that protects VBA projects in both Excel (xls
and xlsm) and PowerPoint (pps and ppsm)? I would like to discourage
the password lookup programs.



1 Answer Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Ty Thompson     Answered On: Dec 20

Using strong password  is the best, but always will be ways to crack
the password if you have access to dozen of machines in cluster.
I think the best option here is combining strong password for the vba,
plus code obfucation techniques to try difficulting the understanding
of your vba  code, plus isolating confidential and important code in
exported dll called in your vba code and also using protection and
hiding techniques in this dlls. Even with all this experts could
reverse engineering your code but for normal and some advanced user
your code could be save.

