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Jdeveloper Encoding

  Asked By: Bakir    Date: Dec 01    Category: Java    Views: 1850

Please any One Tell Me whats the file in jdeveloper which responsible
for change the page encoding where the problem is

i built web application in arabic language where the arabia data
retrived from properties file
so when i retrive these data it apper in jsp as ???????????
although i set the charset in jsp as windows-1256

i know there are xml file which used to adjust the encoding so does any
one know how can i do that



1 Answer Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Fuzairah Neeman     Answered On: Dec 01

for this,first of all make a new empty project in jdeveloper9i.
from project menu,go to "project setting".
then go to this node Configuration->developmet->compiler
and y will see "character encoding  in left side of page"
u must change  it to "CP1256" or "UFT-8"

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