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Install question

  Date: Feb 19    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 486

Someone helped me early today (thanks) with an install problem -
couldn't get the partitions and mount point to automatically install

it was suggested that i make the 60 gb Hd the master with a jumper - and
that did the trick installation went smooth and am now enjoying ubuntu
as my only operating system on this computer - thanks to whoever helped
me, I lost all my emails as i was working from the cd...



1 Answer Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Feb 19    

OK, I started over, uninstalled Ubuntu 12.10, burn a new DVD then ran live from
the DVD. (The first time I started with CD with 11.10 and upgraded.)

If you recall I could not mount the Windows partition with my docs and jpgs,

From the live DVD I mounted the Windows partition without issue and was able to
edit a file and save it with the text editor in 12.10.

Next I attempted to install 12.10 and have a question. A window shows up: The
installer has detected that the following disks have munted partitions: /dev/sda

Do you want the installer to try to unmount the partitions on these disks before
continuing? If you leave them mounted, you will not be able to create, delete,
or resize partitions on these disks, but you may be able to install to existing
partitions there. ... Choices are "No" and "Yes" buttons.

No give these options:

Erase disk and install Ubuntu

Encript the new Ubuntu installation for security.

Use LVM with the new Ubuntu installation

Something else

Any suggestions?

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