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help with Thread security

  Asked By: Everett    Date: Jul 20    Category: Java    Views: 660

I am having some problems with threads. The easiest way to
illustrate my troubles is with some examples. So here goes:

Say I want to create a class which is a sub-class of thread

public class ThreadClass extends Thread
public void run()
{/*Stick stuff here*/}

But say I also wanted to be able to modify attributes of that
Thread while it is running

public class ThreadClass extends Thread
boolean attr; //an attribute that will determine whether
//the thread is to continue running

public void run()
attr = true;
while( attr )

public void discontinue()
attr = false;

My Question is, how would I use such a class so that I would
be aloud to call the discontinue method from an external class
(or a similar method that would modify some kind of attribute
of the Thread class)

Any explanations would be deeply appreciated.



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