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Fresh Instal Ubuntu 10.10

  Date: Nov 25    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 433

I have just completed a fresh install and upgraded from 9.10 to
10.10.Unfortunately I cannot use my wireless connection as the instal has wiped
the drivers for my TP-Link 54M Wireless G PCI Adaptor Model No TL-WN350G..Can
anyone advise how I can download the latest drivers for this card,I believe that
the chipset is an Atheros AR2417.I have requested Linux Drivers from the
manufacturer but have had no response.{Nb I recall that the drivers for 9.10
came as a Deb package and installed relatively easily,but I cant remember how I
got them?



2 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Nov 25    

It has been suggested by some that the solution would be to connect using an
ethernet cable and then to update your system then. The theory goes that your
wireless setup will be detected automatically and the proper drivers downloaded.
I may try this after I upgrade.

Answer #2    Answered On: Nov 25    

If you mean you installed 9.10 then did the update to 10.10, as the
post suggests, you would get a better install if you got the 10.10
installer and did this direct - or go for the 10.04LTS version if you
feel 3 years without having to update every 6 months is a better
option for you.

some wireless cards are picked up on
the initial install but some need to be connected by cable first to
get updates before the wireless card drivers are installed.

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