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Formating the Number

  Asked By: Boell    Date: Jun 28    Category: Java    Views: 806

I am just wondering is there any way
to do formating on the number in Java like in pascal
and c. for example, i would like to displace only 2
decimal places or xxxxx.xx. when in pascal u put :5:2 or
something like that or 0.2 for c.



1 Answer Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Trae Thompson     Answered On: Jun 28

The "java.text" package has all KINDS of
formatting classes.<br><br>Check out java.text.DecimalFormat
class. If you download the javadocs for the SDK from the
sun web site, you can check out all the
API's.<br><br><br>Stephen McConnell<br>http://www.crosslogic.com

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