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Custom Exception

  Asked By: Adelisa    Date: Oct 18    Category: Java    Views: 1138

Can anybody help in creating custom exceptions in
servlets and jsp..

I want create my own Exception Which can be put in a
try catch block and caught from servlets, jsp , java
beans etc..



1 Answer Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Benjamin Simpson     Answered On: Oct 18

ur project may have different layer. it is a good idea to have a layered exception  handling. define ur own exception class for every layer. they all should extend a parent exception which extends Exception.java.

in every layer u should catch  the lower layer exception and throw the exception of this layer.
u may have different types of exception constructors . this depends on what u want to do, what u want to throw and what u want to show.

as an example for service layer u can have this :

public class ServiceException extends ParentException
* @deprecated dont use this
* @param errMsg
public ServiceException(String errMsg)

* @deprecated dont use this
* @param e
public ServiceException(Throwable e)

* @deprecated dont use this
* @param errorNumber
* @param errMsg
* @param e
public ServiceException(int errorNumber,String errMsg, Throwable e)

public ServiceException(int errorNumber,String errMsg)


parent class is as follows:

public class ParentException extends java.lang.Exception
private String errorMessage = null;
private int errorNumber = 0;
private Throwable throwable = null;

public ParentException()

public void setErrorMessage(String errorMessage)
this.errorMessage = errorMessage;

public String getErrorMessage()
return errorMessage;

public void setErrorNumber(int errorNumber)
this.errorNumber = errorNumber;

public int getErrorNumber()
return errorNumber;

public ParentException(int errNumber,String errMsg,Throwable throwable)
this.errorMessage = errMsg;
this.errorNumber = errNumber;
this.throwable = throwable;
public ParentException(int errNumber,String errMsg)
this.errorMessage = errMsg;
this.errorNumber = errNumber;
public void setThrowable(Throwable throwable)
this.throwable = throwable;

public Throwable getThrowable()
return throwable;

a method in ur service layer can look like this :

public void myMethod(){
//some operation
catch(the_lower_layer_exception_class x){
throw new ServiceException(x);

it is a long story how to show exception in a jsp. read some books for it. if u use web frameworks like struts, they have some easy ways to do that.

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