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Creating partitions on 2nd HD

  Date: Feb 05    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 437

I done something stupid the other day. By mistake I deleted a second hard drive
on my computer that was only used as backup to my main hard drive which at the
time was a new HD that was being setup to have a independent HD that I could
experiment with the different Linux distros trying to find one that works good
for me. Ubuntu 11.04 while it works in Classic Mode the download speed is
completely unacceptable. For me to stay with Ubuntu that MUST be corrected in
11.10 or I will jump ship.

Two questions:

How, can I get that back or undelete that partition?

That I don't believe is possible. One reason is because I have already tried,
and in fact made, a ext4 partition of the whole HD. When I made the partition it
is only accessible via root privileges. I need it to be accessible without
having root privileges. How do I create a partition using the whole HD with
anyone being able to read, write and execute on it?



2 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Feb 05    

I don't know how to recover your partition. Should be able from
terminal to get it similar to:

"chown -R 777 /path/to/partion"

I don't have the exact syntax... I always have to look up the
permission stuff since I deal with it pretty rarely. Googling "change
partition permissions" should give you further information. You
should be able to permanently set this up during auto mount, also. I
would remind myself or figure out how to do it by googling
"automatically mount partition with read write execute permissions" or

Answer #2    Answered On: Feb 05    

In terminal use the chmod command:
sudo chmod 777 /media/disk-1/*
sudo chmod 777 /media/disk-1

replacing disk-1 with the name of yours, presumably either disk or disk-1

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