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connection between orbeon form builder and my application to work

  Asked By: Ketan    Date: May 12    Category: Java    Views: 1073

I changed web.xml and of my app and server.xml as said in orbeon document and
try to attach to summary page with link "orbeon/fr/orbeon/builder/summary" in my
app but I received this error massage:
Orbeon Forms - An Error has Occurred

An error has occurred in Orbeon Forms. You may want to try one of the following:

* If this error occurred when you followed a link, press your browser's Back
* If the above does not work, try reloading the page:
o With Firefox and Safari: hold down the shift key and click the
Reload button in your browser toolbar.
o With Internet Explorer: hold down the control key and click the
Reload button in your browser toolbar.
* Return home.

Error Message

Condition failed for every branch of choose: [/result/matches = 'true']



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