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Unix script

  Asked By: Heena    Date: Apr 30    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 640

1. Write a shell script to direct the odd and even numbers to respective files namely odd.txt and even.txt from the given list of N numbers as command line argument. Also count the number of lines in each file namely odd.txt and even.txt.
2. Write a shell script to split a given document file to half of its no. of lines and redirect them into two different destination files namely sfile1 and sfile2.
3. Write a shell script to sum up all the numbers in a given file and calculate their average.
4. Write a shell script to delete all the blank spaces in a given text file and save the file with a new file name.
5. Write a shell script to count number of words from a given file having first letter in upper case.
6. Write a shell script to find the smallest string (in respect of the string length) among the list of 5 strings given by the user as command line argument.
7. Write a shell program to sort the given list of n numbers (in a file) in descending order.
8. Write a shell script to count and display individually the number of files available in your current directory with the file extensions .exe, .bak, .txt, .c and .cpp.



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