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Any Suggestions?

  Asked By: Anpu    Date: Sep 18    Category: Java    Views: 704

I'm currently using Jbuilder 5 but
don't really like it as a whole. Are there any free
downloadable programmes that are like Jbuilder 5 so that they
allow the user to insert buttons, textfields etc
without having to code them?



1 Answer Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Jake Williams     Answered On: Sep 18

Net Beans is
free.<br><br>www.netbeans.org<br><br>is a full java 2 compliant IDE. If you are
with JBuilder, you will learn Net Beans easier. It's
Sun's base for Forte... Their reference
IDE.<br><br>Eclipse:<br><br>www.eclipse.org<br><br>Is IBM's answer to Sun's Net
Beans. It's Open Source
(like Net Beans), but the paradigm is completely
different. If you are familiar with Visual Age Java, you
will find many features in Eclipse that VAJ has...
however, there are many VAJ features which they don't have
that I wish they did.<br><br>Both are good. Net Beans
uses Swing and AWT to do visual development. Eclipse
uses an SWT which is different than Swing and AWT and
"non-standard" Java.<br><br>The interface to Eclipse is
smoother, but Net Beans is easier to learn.<br><br>Take
your pick... We can start an IDE war again. But this
is my 2 cents worth.<br><br>Stephen

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