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Session Beans Doubts

  Asked By: Emily    Date: Jun 01    Category: Java    Views: 642

I am new to session beans, if any one can answer my
doubts it would be of great help:
1)What would be a typical application where Stateful
session beans is a must ?
2)Similarly What would be a typical application where
Stateless session beans would do ?
3)How does one store the session varibles with the
help of session beans ?(similar to something as a
session onject in JSP ?)
4)Is the state of a Stateful session bean maintained
if session beans are deployed on multiple application
5)What does it mean that only one Stateful session
bean exists per client ? can't multiple diffrent
session beans be called at the same time by the same
client ?
6)What is the save point in context to a entity Bean.



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